Welcome to my Site
10 Jan 2021After messing around with github pages for a bit, and following a simple but effective guide by Barry Clark on how to host your first Jekyll site via Github, I decided to play around with a few more themes.
Barry’s guide was great, and I need to give him the kudos he deserves here. He convinced me that anyone with a propensity for coding and hacking should look at Jekyll blogs instead of Wordpress. He’s right - how can I blog about data engineering and coding on a blog that I wrote no code for?
I’ve moved on since Barry’s guide, since I wanted a bit more control over my own theme. I’m still figuring out how to achieve the same URL elegance without buying my own domain name just yet. The theme I’m using is Lanyon -
Lanyon is an unassuming Jekyll theme that places content first by tucking away navigation in a hidden drawer. It’s based on Poole, the Jekyll butler.
To be frank, I’m still figuring things out (partly due to an issue with a lack of sudo privileges on my main computer, thanks Deloitte), but I’m confident I’ll get there eventually.
I think this will serve my purposes, at least for now, and I love the bit of Jekyll & Hyde Fanfiction surrounding Jekyll, and the theme I’m using (Lanyon, built on Poole). My knowledge of Jekyll & Hyde is limited to the Runescape quest I did circa the 6th grade, so I think it’s time I open up the book for real.