Noah Kennedy Based in N.Y.C

How Do You Describe Yourself?

The words we use to describe ourselves change our everyday actions and, by extension, our identities. A few American psychology experiments have touched on aspects of this


Yesterday (October 4th, 2021), Facebook/Instagram/WhatsApp went down for a while. Like a really long time - about 6 hours.


Earlier this year in the peak of the pandemic it dawned on me that I hadn’t really done anything creative in months, if not a full year. My life was mainly exercise and work, and while I had to leverage my problem solving skills, I never quite needed to be creative, to generate something from nothing, nothing but the neural connections deep in my brain.


In 2020 I got to experience two summer solstices. This is a story about long summer days, a wholesome weekend, and an adventure with a good friend, all complete with a twist at the end and a good lesson to take home for later.

If you love it, do it every day

One of my life philosophies is that daily reptition is the the #1 driver for excellence.

Optimizing Your Tech Stack for Productivity

A guide and outline on steps I’ve taken to make my tech stack less addictive.

New York, New York

A word to the wise wise - don’t start your New York lease on July 1st. And if you do, just don’t move in on the first weekend of the month like everyone else.

Leveraging Jekyll Paginate v2

GitHub Pages, the Jekyll website generator used for this site, generally works pretty well. One of the major upsides is simplicity, but like all simplistic coding tools, there are guard rails in place as well.

We're back!

It’s been about 6 months since I first tried to kick off a personal website. There has been some progress -

Welcome to my Site

After messing around with github pages for a bit, and following a simple but effective guide by Barry Clark on how to host your first Jekyll site via Github, I decided to play around with a few more themes.